
Strong Advice: Zuby's Guide to Fitness for Everybody

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Strong Advice: Zuby's Guide to Fitness for Everybody

146 ratings

A no-nonsense guide to building muscle, burning fat and creating your best body ever.

Do any of these describe you?

  • You struggle to lose weight and keep it off – no matter what diet you try
  • You go to the gym regularly but see no changes in your strength or size
  • You struggle to stay motivated and consistent with your diet and exercise
  • You start a diet with the best intentions but end up bingeing after a few days, only to promise to restart the next day
  • You’ve lost weight but are struggling with belly fat, love handles and other stubborn areas
  • You feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of confusing information out there
  • You think the whole ‘gym thing’ is scary and don’t know where to start
  • You just want something that works and fits into your busy life

💡 Then this book is for you.

Take control, look great, feel amazing!

I know that you want to look better, live longer, be happier and feel confident. You want to look more attractive and be proud of your body.

So, what's the problem?

You live in the 21st century world, which is wealthier, safer and better connected than ever before but also fatter, less active and more gluttonous.

I’m a huge believer in the importance of health and fitness and I genuinely want as many people as possible to be in their best shape. Fortunately, I have the knowledge to help you achieve these things and I can explain how to do it in a concise, straightforward manner. 

How is this book different?

There are a huge number of resources available about health, diet and training.

Some of them are great. Most are terrible.

The problem with a lot of popular ‘health and fitness’ information is that it’s designed to sell you stuff that you don’t need. Usually in the form of unnecessary supplements, pills, potions, gadgets, or cookie cutter workouts that will give you underwhelming and unsustainable results.

Marketers, magazines, and supplement companies often make money by selling you false promises:

  • Get a 6 pack in just 6 days!
  • Lose 10 pounds this week!
  • New diet tea shreds fat in your sleep!

But it’s mostly nonsense.

The problem is that there’s not a lot of money to be found in telling the truth, nor by giving genuine, actionable advice that people can understand and use long term.

This book is different because I’m not trying to confuse you, up-sell you on a bogus product, or keep ‘the secrets’ locked away behind a very expensive paywall.

I’ve kept things simple and accessible for beginners but detailed enough for experienced lifters. No jargon, no fad products, no magic bullets and no filler.

Who am I?

I’m best known as a rapper, author, entrepreneur and host of the ‘Real Talk with Zuby’ podcast. I’m also a fitness enthusiast and coach, with over 18 years of training experience – specialising in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Over the course of my fitness journey, I’ve been through a lot of trial and error with different diets, routines and training methods.

I’ve made a whole bunch of mistakes, so that you don’t have to. Throughout this eBook, I’m going to share the most important knowledge, advice and techniques that I’ve acquired with you.

My Personal Best Lifts:

Deadlift: 275kg / 606lbs

Bench Press: 147.5kg / 325lbs

Squat: 195kg / 430lbs

Real results from 'Strong Advice' customers

Customer reviews (read 200+ more reviews)

"Everything else is just fluff"


Most people don't know where to start on the road to getting fit. They get intimidated by all these crazy workouts and spartan diets. Zuby really simplifies this with common sense and basic nutritional advice that anyone can apply to their daily life. If you can't apply it, what good is it. Worth every penny.

- Edward

"Life changing"


The book is written how all instructional books should be written. Short, simple, and to the point. I’m 51 years old and only 6 months into this journey and I am already in the best shape I’ve ever been in. I’ve always been too lazy exercise, but this book will teach you that being in shape is actually relatively simple. Zuby covers being mentally prepared, how to eat depending on whether you want to gain or lose weight, and then how to train. I can’t wait to see what the next 6 months brings.

- Don

"Best fitness book"


“Strong Advice” is certainly full of strong advice. Zuby doesn’t use his book to try and push products, but instead just pushes you to take control of your life and make a lifestyle change for the better. This book has helped my understand my body, weight loss, training, and dieting and how they all come together.

- Dakota

"Have lost 26 pounds so far!"


After employing the tips and information in this book, I'm down 26 pounds and my wife says I look like a muscle man!

- Jacob

"Mature dog, new tricks"


I’m now in my 60’s. In an earlier time, I was (what I thought was) fit. I ran, cranked heavy weights, ate tons of protein powder and other stuff. I read several muscle head magazines that encouraged me to crank on hundreds of different angles on weightlifting for specific muscles....It lead to several key injuries and issues. I was doing it wrong. Then, along came Strong Advice by Zuby. This was the best, most informative read on overall fitness and nutrition I have read. I literally messaged him and let him know that within 20 pages, I had already learned life changing things. Truth. Buy this book...if you follow it, you WILL change many core attributes to your health and well being.

- Matthew

"Great starter book"


My early review of this book is that it is a great starting point for someone looking to make a change in their life/lifestyle. It's not overly complicated and sticks to the basics, while also not promising unrealistic results. Zuby does a great job of explaining how to better oneself, while at the same time maintaining that for a lifetime.

- Myles

"This book is my foundation"


Always had somebody telling me what to do and I never cared enough to ask why. This book allowed me to cumulate a solid foundation to what parts of the body I should work on and why. This is great for people who have done sports related workouts their whole life and who want to start working out based on stuff they actually want to do because they know exactly what it's doing for them.

- Josh



Thanks for all the information and advice in the book, Zuby. I bought this, as I wanted a plan and understanding of exercises before joining a gym. I've found the book very helpful, to-the-point and easy to read. I appreciate the short length too much lol. Thank you and God bless your endeavors.

- Paul

"Easy guide to weight loss and exercise"


This is a really easy to use guide to getting your diet and exercise regime sorted in a way that encourages you to stick with it. I had been a regular gym goer anyway but had a plateaued and needed to to add some new and different exercises to shake up my routine. This book is great in that it works for a complete beginner or someone who needs a boost or new way of looking at their health and fitness. Highly recommended.

- Lucy

"Great information"


Great information provided in a very clear and concise way. Despite watching many YouTube videos and doing research on my own I learned a lot of valuable information in a short amount of time.

- Tyler

"Exercise & nutrition simplified"


Really liked how simply things are broken down in this book. The information is presented in an easy-to-understand format. With so much information out there that seems more and more complicated, this book is a breath of fresh air! Now, if I can look like Zuby by the end of all this, then I may be ready to break some deadlifting records as well!

- Dan

"Not for men only!"


The advice in this book works for every one at every age. Cuts through all the confusing nutritional and workout information found elsewhere. You won't find any fads in here or promises of overnight results. Instead you will find clear guidance that works and provides a lifetime foundation of healthy eating and effective workouts. It is understandable, well-organized and helped motivate me to return to the good habits I had let slip.

- Karen

"An excellent read!"


I really enjoyed reading this book. It's helped inspire me to get back in shape. I am applying many of the concepts. I appreciate the way the information is laid out. I know much of it, but the information is well organized to keep me focused on achieving my goals. Zuby, thanks so much. This book is well worth the money!

- Kevin

"No BS approach to fitness"


This book is thoughtfully constructed and easy to understand. I’m an older guy that has bought his share of fitness books, magazines and DVD’s over the years, and this book has been more helpful than all of them combined. I encourage anyone just getting started in fitness to buy this book, you will not be disappointed. Trust me, if you follow the advice given in the book, you will have a sound, healthy foundation to attain your fitness goals.

- James

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